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13 Students 
Technical/Gameplay Design
Oct 16 - Nov 2 2023

This project is a third-person runner were you collect as many points as you can during a specific time.


The main pillars of the game were focused on the action and intensity of the runner game genre.  


As a Gameplay/Tech designer My responsibilities were: ​​

  • Obstacle Spawner

  • Prefab creation

  • Map Speed

Obstacle Spawner

Early on the map needed to spawn obstacles in a random pattern to make each run unique and switch up gameplay. This script was created by Filip, our programmer who I worked a lot with during the project. 

In the game one problem was readability of the next object since some obstacles blocked your line of sight. 

This was solved by having the obstacles spawn based on a timer, meaning they would be the same time apart each moment. But for the player they never notice how repeating they are because they change shape and position.

Image of obstacle spawner 

Prefab Creation

Since I was working with the obsticles I became the person creating prefabs and updating them with new models, collision and scripts.

The scripts were made by our programmer markus koffman, and the Artists made the models. 

This made it easy for me to be able to later spawn all of these items in the obstacle spawner, as I had full knowledge of how they worked. 

This work also included deciding how many points pickups gave or how long they lasted. ​


Picture of all the different obstacle prefabs I made for spawning


 Picture of Early version container 


 Picture of how collision and models looked in prefab view

Map speed

In this game the player never actually moves, instead the map moves in the opposing direction to were the player is running, making it look like the player is moving. 

I took on the task of adjusting this speed based on feedback from playtesters and the team. Since I was the main person working with the gameplay loop. 

​In the start of the game the Speed increases slowly but gradually, this is to give the player a slower start and learn the game a bit easier. At the half-way point the speed goes from a gradual to a linear increase in speed to keep up the intensity and keep the player engaged. 

This Speed graph was also made by Fillip Calvin.


Picture of the speed graph made to control speed over the game. 

Team 5 Soda

The team was made up of 13 students at future games. 

Most of which were amazing to work with and have shown me the true joy of creating games. 


 Myself, Thomas Schinas,  Gertrud Bondesson and Barry Haroun.

Andreas Wänglund, Daniel Alvarado, Filip Clavin, and Markus Koffman

Ida Cai, Jakob Segerdahl, and Natasa Naumovic

Amir Alshreese and Maks Törner

Some of these people did such a good job that we later started our own side project which I'm working on. 

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